The Hill Squad, founded in 2002, aims to protect the people of the world. Though it was originally intended to combat terrorism in America, the Squad has become a worldwide organization invested in protecting every individual. All official Hill reports will be housed here in an attempt to give the public a clear view of the work we do, both in the Squad and the Academy.
The Hill Academy
The Hill Academy was founded in 2020 upon the discovery of a third child with unnatural abilities. Today, there are Academy chapters in 97 countries, with kids sorted between seven levels. The top three levels are housed and trained at the original Hill Squad base in Massachusetts, while the top two are cleared to assist the Hill Squad on various global missions. At 21, these kids will graduate from the Academy and be automatically placed into a role in the Squad if they so desire.
The Hill
The namesake of the Hill Squad, the Hill, is, in fact, a literal hill. In 2002, the original eight members found themselves stranded and on the run after accidentally making some powerful enemies. For two weeks, they camped out and formed a plan of action to deal with the various threats. Today, the Hill houses the Bunker, an underground base for mission planning and other Hill procedures.